Saturday, August 25, 2007

Farewell, Summer...

It is hard to believe that this is the final weekend of summer vacation. Come Monday, McKenna will be a first grader, and thus will begin the routine and rhythm of school. It takes a bit to slip from the lazy, unstructured days of summer into the very structured days of school, homework and extracurricular activites.

Overall, we had a wonderful summer. Sure, there were highs and lows... times when the girls seemed to constantly butt heads and others when they delighted in each other's company. Times of travel and times of going stir crazy in the house because it is just too hot to venture outside. When asked what their most favorite thing about summer break was, both girls reply that being with their family was the best part of summer. That is music to these parents' ears! We know time passes all too quickly, and sooner than we care to acknowledge, they will be wanting to be with friends rather than mom or dad. But for now, we cherish these times and it is with mixed feelings that we say farewell to summer, and prepare to embrace what this year will hold with our pre-K and first grade girls.

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