Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Post-Halloween everyone! Here's some photos of our little Disney "princesses". As you can (hopefully) see, McKenna went as the Little Mermaid, Ariel, and Molly went as Tinkerbell, in keeping with her love of all things Peter Pan.

Our trick-or-treating got off to a not-so-great-start last evening... We were coming home from our church meal and decided to "quickly" stop off to say hi to our friends, the Pedersens (of Andrew fame). Turns out it wasn't a quick drop-by. Ron and the kids decided to trick-or-treat with the Pedersens, and I was going to head home to hand out candy in our neighborhood. Well, as I hopped in the car and prepared to be off, the car wouldn't start. So, here we were with 2 very excited children, geared up to go door to door with their friends (amid the sheer mob of children in this very well-to-do neighborhood) and Ron and I are stuck trying to jump the car... all to no avail. And still it sits outside our friend's home this very minute.

Despite our car trouble, and me not being able to go home and hand out candy (which I had a big guilt complex over... we never wanted to be THAT kind of house on Halloween!) we did end up having a nice time trick-or-treating with our friends. Though, admittedly, it was a bit hard to shake the feeling that we were the "poor" neighbors who bussed ourselves in to take advantage of the "better" treats in this extremely nice neighborhood. :-) Oh well. I guess it's one for the books... or at least the blog.