Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day!

It's been big news here... we were expecting a "wintery mix". I laughed over this with my PA sister... a wintery mix is hardly newsworthy up there where a small snowfall is 2 inches. Down here in W-S, that is deep stuff. But, I digress...

Ron and I told the girls that there was the slightest possibility that they would be out of school tomorrow (today), but told them not to get their hopes up too high. With baited breath we watched the 10 o'clock news and were informed (much to our great glee) that schools were going to be closed the next day. As I kissed my slumbering girls before heading off to bed I whispered in their ears that they had a snow day... no school in the morning!

Ahhh, there is nothing quite like a snow day here, rare occurances that they are. We got a grand total of approximately 3/4 of an inch (and I am likely being generous) but it was enough to cover the ground and tempt the girls outside. So dressed in an odd assortment of clothes (the winter snow suits seen in the previous post were borrowed from friends) the girls headed outside and trounced around in the snow with their friend from next door, Noah. When they came in about 40 minutes later, wet and cold, they changed back into their warm, cozy pj's and were treated to hot chocolate. A snow day just isn't complete without the chocolately concoction! It made me nostalgic for the winters of my own childhood, when my dad would pull my sister and I around the neighborhood in a sled and my mom would present us with warm cups of the glorious stuff to help us defrost.

We had such a nice, cozy, low-key, pajama-wearin' day. As Molly likes to say, "It's a peaceful day, Mama." And peaceful it was. A day to be savored and remembered. And perhaps one day our girls will be nostalgic for the "snow days" of their childhood as well. I hope so.

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