Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Molly's missing Teeth

Little Molls with her first 2 missing teeth. She lost her first tooth on July 1st and the second one about a month later. When she first came running into the bathroom one evening before bedtime to announce the fact that she had her first loose tooth, she was so thrilled. I acted thrilled for her too, but once she climbed into bed, Mommy had a private little breakdown. How could little Molls already have a loose tooth? Didn't that tooth grow in just the other day?!? The missing bottom teeth are cute... Molly still has the teensiest element of baby left to her look. But when those top teeth come out, well, then it is all over. Babyhood officially is left behind, little girldom will solidly be here, whether Mommy likes it or not!

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