Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Molly's "Magnificat"

"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise...." Psalm 8:2

I can't decipher everything she said, but here's a loose translation:

"He saves us from our sins/He never/ ?????/ God is great He saves us from our sins/God is great He saves us from our sins/The sun! The moon! And the earth!/But we see ?????/ When you see the beginning of fall/ In the fall! In the fall! In the easter/And He made all the people/ He made you too, and me!"


Missy K said...

That made me smile!

I miss you bud-- are the days speeding up or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Dear sweet molly,
How I loved your song about God
and I know that God was looking down on you and enjoying it too-God loves when we sing and show are praises to him--Mommom wishes she was able to sing and dance right along with you!! Molly you make me happy!! I love you so much!!---MomMom