Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOW! Reflections Contest

This year I strongly encouraged my little artists to enter the Reflections contest that the PTA holds annually at school. This year's theme was "WOW!". When I asked the girls what kind of things made them say "wow", they both responded with birds.

McKenna thought on the question a bit and then decided that a peacock makes her say "wow" due to its bright colors and beautiful tail. She diligently drew a peacock from a photo I had taken at the zoo, then over the course of a few weeks, painted her picture. The paints she chose were shiny and sparkly and the end result looked gorgeous. Unfortunately, you can't get the full effect from this photo, but she really did a beautiful job.

Molly thought about what made her say "wow" and concluded that a hummingbird elicited that response from her... due largely in part to the hummingbird feeder we had purchased last month . Armed with a black marker and crayons, Molls set to work and produced this beautiful drawing. I love the details she put into the picture such as the bubbles in the hummingbird feeder and the "flowers" on the base of the feeder. I also like that she put fall colors on her tree.

Both girls worked hard and did a great job. They are anxious for the winners to be announced when they return from fall break.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Halloween Craft

One evening a few weeks ago, the girls and I made these shirts from an idea I got from Family Fun Magazine. We cut out pumpkin shapes from paper and the girls arranged them on their shirts. I then sprayed the shirts with clorox bleach from a water bottle, let them set a minute and immediately put them in cold water in a bucket. After washing the shirts, the girls decorated their pumpkins with permanent markers and used their finger prints with green paint to make the "stems". Apparently, they were a big hit when the girls wore them to school the next day. What made this project even more fun for mommy was that it only cost $2 as I found the shirts at the dollar tree, and had everything else on hand. Yippee! And FYI... Molly's shirt is on the left, and McKenna's is on the right... I am sure they would want you to know whose was whose. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We were rewarded with a late season purchase of this hummingbird feeder by regular visitors to our deck. This particular little hummer was as brave as she was small. I was literally only a foot away from her as I took these shots. She really seemed as curious about us as we were of her. The little birds have gone away for the season, but we will eagerly anticipate their return when summer rolls round once more.