Saturday, November 8, 2008

No More Training Wheels!!

This afternoon we took the girls to the Muddy Creek Greenway in order for Ron to teach McKenna to ride her bike without training wheels. In just 2 tries she was off and running! We were amazed and proud at how quickly she got the hang of it!! See for yourself...

Daddy helping McKenna get her balance...

By George, I think she's got it!

And away she goes!

Monday, November 3, 2008

A trip to the NC Zoo

The girls had a long fall break this year. For the first half we took the girls to Asheville for Halloween. The second half we ventured to the North Carolina Zoo. It was an overcast day, and being a Monday, we had the zoo mostly to ourself. Here's some of what we saw and did...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween, McKenna decided to go as Batgirl and Molly wanted to be a Pink Poodle (named Fifi). I was particularly proud of McKenna's cape, mask and bat-ears that I made from a sequined dress found at goodwill. I also used the collar of the dress to make Molly's "dog tag".

This year we went to Asheville to spend Halloween with their cousins. McKenna, Molly, Maren and Emma had a great time together trick-or-treating. Actually, it was a real treat for Ron and I to get to see them all together and take them around on Halloween evening.

Here are the Garner Girls dressed as: Minnie Mouse, Batgirl, Fifi the Pink Poodle, and a Pretty Witch.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WOW! Reflections Contest

This year I strongly encouraged my little artists to enter the Reflections contest that the PTA holds annually at school. This year's theme was "WOW!". When I asked the girls what kind of things made them say "wow", they both responded with birds.

McKenna thought on the question a bit and then decided that a peacock makes her say "wow" due to its bright colors and beautiful tail. She diligently drew a peacock from a photo I had taken at the zoo, then over the course of a few weeks, painted her picture. The paints she chose were shiny and sparkly and the end result looked gorgeous. Unfortunately, you can't get the full effect from this photo, but she really did a beautiful job.

Molly thought about what made her say "wow" and concluded that a hummingbird elicited that response from her... due largely in part to the hummingbird feeder we had purchased last month . Armed with a black marker and crayons, Molls set to work and produced this beautiful drawing. I love the details she put into the picture such as the bubbles in the hummingbird feeder and the "flowers" on the base of the feeder. I also like that she put fall colors on her tree.

Both girls worked hard and did a great job. They are anxious for the winners to be announced when they return from fall break.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Halloween Craft

One evening a few weeks ago, the girls and I made these shirts from an idea I got from Family Fun Magazine. We cut out pumpkin shapes from paper and the girls arranged them on their shirts. I then sprayed the shirts with clorox bleach from a water bottle, let them set a minute and immediately put them in cold water in a bucket. After washing the shirts, the girls decorated their pumpkins with permanent markers and used their finger prints with green paint to make the "stems". Apparently, they were a big hit when the girls wore them to school the next day. What made this project even more fun for mommy was that it only cost $2 as I found the shirts at the dollar tree, and had everything else on hand. Yippee! And FYI... Molly's shirt is on the left, and McKenna's is on the right... I am sure they would want you to know whose was whose. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We were rewarded with a late season purchase of this hummingbird feeder by regular visitors to our deck. This particular little hummer was as brave as she was small. I was literally only a foot away from her as I took these shots. She really seemed as curious about us as we were of her. The little birds have gone away for the season, but we will eagerly anticipate their return when summer rolls round once more.

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day of School Photos

Molly, looking so grown up on her first day of Kindergarten. How on earth can my baby be in elementary school already?

McKenna, growing into a beautiful little lady, looking "too cool for school" on her first day of second grade.
And both of our little "fashionistas", growing impatient with Mommy snapping photos, ready to get the show on the road.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Geocaching at CG Hill

Aha! We've spotted the cache!

The girls dig through the "treasure" and make their selections, while replacing a trinket for one they take.

Still mulling over their choices.

Mommy and the girls.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Molly's missing Teeth

Little Molls with her first 2 missing teeth. She lost her first tooth on July 1st and the second one about a month later. When she first came running into the bathroom one evening before bedtime to announce the fact that she had her first loose tooth, she was so thrilled. I acted thrilled for her too, but once she climbed into bed, Mommy had a private little breakdown. How could little Molls already have a loose tooth? Didn't that tooth grow in just the other day?!? The missing bottom teeth are cute... Molly still has the teensiest element of baby left to her look. But when those top teeth come out, well, then it is all over. Babyhood officially is left behind, little girldom will solidly be here, whether Mommy likes it or not!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dutch Wonderland

For the second year in a row we all took the children to Dutch Wonderland. This amusement park is simply perfect for elementary aged kids and everyone had a wonderful time. We started off riding Molly's favorite ride, the Sky Ride.

Here is Aunt Kris riding with McKenna and Elliot on the Boat Ride. (You can't see the E-Man, but he's there!)

The lines at Dutch Wonderland aren't bad at all. Wait time was minimal, and the ride time was considerably long, which made for a good day. Here's the girls waiting their turn in line.

It is amazing what a difference a year makes. Both Molly and Ailey hated this ride last year, but being the evil mommies that we are, Kris and I urged them to try the Whip again this year, never mentioning their reaction to it last year. In the photo below Molls and Ailey look a bit concerned...

Kris and I started to wonder whether the girls were having flashbacks about last years ride. We needn't have worried... check out these faces!

So You Think You Can Dance: Elliot Style

No words really necessary. The CF (Cuteness Factor) is huge in this clip.

And who can resist a man with a blueberry-pie goatee?

"The Sweetest Place On Earth"

During our trip to PA, Mommom took the granddaughters and myself to Hershey, PA... otherwise known as "The Sweetest Place On Earth". The moment you enter Hershey you know it... the streetlamps are made to resemble huge Hershey's Kisses and even the road itself turns from highway gray/black to milk-chocolate brown. The girls repeatedly said that their Daddy would absolutely love this place, being the chocoholic that he is. Here is a shot of our "Sweeties" in the car on the way to Hershey. Below is a shot of the street lights.

The first place we stopped was Hershey Gardens. Mommom had visited the Children's Butterfly House a few days before we arrived in PA and knew she just had to take her granddaughters there. Here they are in the Children's Gardens.

After Hershey Gardens, Ailey had the brilliant idea to go to Chocolate World... so we did! The kids enjoyed the ride through the simulated chocolate factory but I think their favorite part was the free chocolate they received at the end of the ride. All in all, we had a sweet time in Hershey!

14 Years!

For our annual anniversary getaway this year, Ron and I decided to go to someplace other than Black Mountain. Though we have loved staying at The Arbor House for the past 2 years, we chose to head to Blowing Rock for something different. We were so glad we made that decision as it was so much closer to waterfalls and hiking trails... so close, in fact, that we could hike after breakfast from our hotel, to a waterfall in Blowing Rock, and be back in time for lunch. Below are some shots we took during our 2 day anniversary trip.